  Public Ticket #662653
updating jquery library


  • Srour started the conversation

    Dear Valiano,

    \"Unite Gallery Error: The gallery can run from jquery 1.8 You have jQuery 1.7.2 Please update your jQuery library\"

    I tried to update my wp jquery but it affects the other plugins. It seems like the latest jquery version should be called from inside the plugin itself..

    how can you help me run your plugin??

  •  82
    Max replied

    Hi. You wp tempalte or some of the plugins are using jquery 1.7 and it\'s loading in the page. Please try to find it and replace to newer version (just replace the file).

    Or you can replace it by wp normal way of include jquery.

    if you show me the website of yours I could point you to this jquery url (or you can just look in view source of the page.).

  • Srour replied

    cool, I found the link of the jquery 1.7 one

    how to replace the file? or where to get the latest version one?

    should I ask the template author to provide me with that version!


  •  82
    Max replied

    HI. you can get it from here


    or just ask your template provider.

  • Thomas replied
