  Public Ticket #2300786
after migration it gives an error and wordpress update


  • brunosalter started the conversation

    I submit the problem again as public since it is urgent and need help very fast, and maybe someone else has the same problem.

    Hello. I just migrated to fastcomet and after working properly in hostinger now it says this. It's urgent. We have to be able to show the galleries.

    "Unite Gallery Error - gallery js and css files not included in the footer. Please make sure that wp_footer() function is added to your theme."

    I never had to include anything anywhere before.


    Site: https://nathaliemillpa.com/wp/lumes

  • brunosalter replied

    I'm using DIVI theme. Rolled back from 4.3.2 to 4.0.4 and the same happens. I have installed to test it in another DIVI site running 4.0.3 and works perfectly. Both sites use fastcomet as a hosting. I will check PHP stuff to see the difference.

  • brunosalter replied

    Well i have found this.

    httpss:// instead of https. Those are repaired now, but the ones regarding jQuery and Unitegallery js are still there and have not been solved. I have the people at Fastcomet looking at it but no solution.

  • brunosalter replied

    Ok so I exported all settings and gallery items, deleted plugin, deleted DB tables wich is not done by plugin, optimized whatever, reinstalled plugin, CREATED all the galleries again and imported everything and now it works.


  •   Max replied privately