  Public Ticket #2167383
Mixed lightbox and linking


  • Tomas Mayer started the conversation

    Thank you for a great gallery! Using the Unite Gallery seems so easy!
    I am trying to use it for my portfolio on my homepage (no CMS or other platforms).
    However, I cannot find a way to use both lightbox and linked tumbs mixed in one gallery. It's looks like either one or the other.
    Is there any way to go around this?


  •   Max replied privately
  • Tomas Mayer replied

    Hello Max,

    Thank you for your answer.
    However, what I meant was – in the same gallery, can some of the images be links and some lightbox?

    Thanks again,

  •  82
    Max replied

    No, sorry. but you have options to enable link icon, then you could open lightbox or use a link.

  • Tomas Mayer replied

    Hello Max.
    Sorry to hear that. Anyway, thanks again for your amazing grit!
    I will try to go around this somehow.

    However, if you come up with a solution on this subject someday, I would be more than happy for an update :)

  •   Max replied privately