  Public Ticket #1932790
Create Curved Borders on Images in Gallery


  • James E Zons started the conversation

    I just purchased Unite Gallery since it has many more features than the Modula gallery that I was using.  However, there are a couple of features with Modula that I'd really like to see with your Unite Gallery and I'm not sure either if these functions are built in or if they can be added using CSS.  If you go here:


    THAT is the Modula gallery.  The features I'd love to be able to duplicate in the Unite Gallery are the curved borders (Modula has the ability to adjust the border radius) and the way the gallery loads: instead of the images all appearing at once, they appear one at a time.  Are either of these functions built into Unite?  If not, is there any CSS or Javascript coding that can be applied in the Advanced settings that will create similar effects?  Let me know ... and thanks!

  •   Max replied privately