  Public Ticket #1436579


  • Lirim started the conversation


    I get this error on add image item.

    Can't make thumb folder: /unitegallery_thumbs/. Please check php and folder permissions

    I was try some chmod and chown command, evry things ok.

    Config: apache php mysql


  •   Max replied privately
  • Lirim replied

    Where ?
    "create this folder using php simple command" OK via ssh commandline, ftp, or create directory with the module file browser.


  • Lirim replied

    Same problem on 3 differents server :-(
    Local docker
    Staging (debian)
    Production (debian more ressources)

  • Lirim replied

    Cannot add image item...

    Second problem:
    No thumbnail on videos, the src url is wrong.

  •   Max replied privately
  • Lirim replied

    Hello due to security and confidentiality issue i cannot give an ftp acces to our server.
    Cannot have support ??

  • Lirim replied

    Here is a var_dump of $info in function createThumbs($urlImage, $thumbWidth = null)

    array(6) { ["url_full"]=> string(65) "/sitesdefaultfilespublicunitgallery367395-background-people_1.jpg" ["url_dir_image"]=> string(2) "./" ["url_dir_thumbs"]=> string(22) "./unitegallery_thumbs/" ["filepath"]=> bool(false) ["path"]=> string(1) "/" ["path_thumbs"]=> string(21) "/unitegallery_thumbs/"
    {"success":false,"message":"Can't make thumb folder: \/unitegallery_thumbs\/. Please check php and folder permissions"}

  •   Max replied privately
  • Lirim replied

    Hello, this happen in edit/create gallery, so no filter set in a basic drupal instance.
    Same problem on local or server in différent drupal even in a naked one.

    Sorry cannot give an ftp access like that, understand me if i give access to all 20$ modules i get.

    Do you have admin access to a drupal where the module works ??
    Can i test the module ??

  •   Max replied privately