after install, config, it's ok in back, but no gallery appears in front,
ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined in console.
Include jQuery Library "yes" and Put JS Includes To Body "yes" in Troubleshooting :
Unite Gallery Error: You have some jquery.js library include that comes after the gallery files js include. This include eliminates the gallery libraries, and make it not work....
unite gallery don't work with prestashop 1.7,
after install, config, it's ok in back, but no gallery appears in front,
ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined in console.
Include jQuery Library "yes" and Put JS Includes To Body "yes" in Troubleshooting :
Unite Gallery Error: You have some jquery.js library include that comes after the gallery files js include. This include eliminates the gallery libraries, and make it not work....
can you help me ?
Christophe GERARD
it's very dificult to detach jquery from core.js,
and if core.js is in head, appear multiple disfunctions in site: no basket, no slide, ...
BUT, i move "/unitegallery.min.js" in bottom, after "core.js" , activate Include jQuery Library in
Troubleshooting AND MIRACLE, it's Work !
Christophe GERARD
Hello I got the same problem. Can you help me or explain to me where to put "/unitegallery.min.js"?
Sorry for my english language...
Best Regards from Spain.
HI, what you mean? don't understand.
you need to put all the js files after jquery.js if that what you mean
make sure you don't have double jquery.js in the site.