  Public Ticket #1131046
Video not working


  • John started the conversation

    I added a Vimeo Video as well as images into a gallery. The video plays as I can hear the sound but in the gallery it is only displayed a black screen with loading spinner.

    Here's a link if you can have a look please:


  •   Max replied privately
  • John replied

    Hi Max,

    I have checked the video from the link I sent you and I confirm that it is now working. But after I tested all the videos in my gallery I found that some of the videos are playing on some browsers and some are not. 

    For example if you could please check:


    the first 2 thumbnails are youtube videos and the first one works on Chrome or Safari but it doesn't on Firefox, and the second Video doesn't play on any 3 Browsers mentioned.

    Could you please have a look at it and advise asap as we would like to go live very soon.

    Thanks in advance,



  • John replied

    Hi Max,

    I've went the self hosted way rather than Youtube as I've seen it worked fine.

    Disregard the previous comment.


  •   Max replied privately