
Hello. Here you can get support for all the Unite Gallery items and all other valiano development items.

Public Tickets

Nico Marcuz Security issue with Unite Gallery Unite Gallery for WordPerss   Updated August 16, 2024 at 6:05am   1 Most recent comment from Nico Marcuz:Hello Max, I just received a message that Unite Gallery Lite has a security problem (SQL injection): Link see here: https://www.wordfence.com/threat-intel/vulnerabilities/wordpress-plugins/unite-galle ... Inspry No response on a new ticket from 2 weeks ago Unite Gallery for WordPerss   Updated May 27, 2024 at 1:48am   5 Most recent comment from Inspry:No, we never heard back so we just ended up moving the client over to Envira Gallery, sorry! Ken Scherer Unite Gallery Error: The item should not be image type Unite Gallery for WordPerss   Updated May 23, 2024 at 12:00am   3 Most recent comment from Ken Scherer:Another update - Chrome throws the error when not logged in as admin... Emmanuel Fischer Impossible d'effacer vidéo youtube Unite Gallery for WordPerss   Updated April 28, 2024 at 4:40pm   1 Most recent comment from Emmanuel Fischer:Bonjour, J'utilise le plug-in Unite Galery depuis longtemps. Mais depuis un certain temps je n'arrive pas à effacer d'ancienne vidéo. Il me met ce message : Ajax Error!!! errorVersion ... Divek Tiles Grid autoplay option Unite Gallery for WordPerss   Updated April 26, 2024 at 5:57am   1 Most recent comment from Divek:I Can't find auto play option for tile grid slider. please help me regarding thispage - https://scentabook.com/about/